Mischief Night

Here in New Jersey, the night of October 30 is referred to as Mischief Night. I prefer to think of it as the night before Halloween. To get in the mood, here is a picture from the Granary Burial Ground in Boston of one of the wonderful carved headstones. Headstone 1 at Granary Burying Ground

Hurricane Sandy Memories

My photo for today was taken nearly two years ago, after Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey and New York. We were very lucky that our own house wasn’t damaged, but too many people are still trying to repair their homes. This photo was taken in Mattituck, New York, to show how deep the sand was eroded from the shore. This old jetty was exposed, after being buried for who knows how many years.

Redwood jetty

Day 2

I took this picture from my backyard yesterday. There are things that I both like and dislike about it. I was trying to capture the colors of the trees in as interesting way as I could, given my limited area to work in.

Colors in my own backyard 3

Learning photography as I live day to day.

Hi! I’m starting this photo blog to help me to be a better photographer. I am an amateur, and have no intention of going professional. My hope is to post a picture a day. Some days that may mean that I have to post a picture that I took previously, and some days I may not be able to post at all, depending on my schedule.

I read that trying to publish a picture a day helps you to develop your photographic skills by forcing you to have the discipline necessary to practice the craft. Well, I guess I’ll go back to my musician roots for this. I hope you enjoy my photos.
